This week, I wanted to tell you all about our new LHS Library website! We spent a lot of time last year talking to teachers and students to get feedback about what they want to see and how it should be organized. We took all of that information and developed this:

I'm going to highlight a few of the features that are relevant to you and your students.
From here, you can browse our full collection of physical books in the library OR access all of our ebooks and audiobooks through Sora.

Student Resources - Online Databases
We organized our databases by subject and included the first tab, which displays all of the usernames and passwords for the databases (students need these to access the databases from home).

Staff Resources
This is where you go for everything YOU need. You can learn about digital tools, find streaming videos for class, access PD ebooks, and schedule time to bring your class to the library. Speaking of...
Bringing Your Class to the Library
We have 2 presentation classroom spaces in the library and another section for classes to gather without presentation tools. We love to have students and teachers learning and creating in our space. You are always welcome to bring your classes up to us - we just ask that you please schedule your time online so we can prepare the space for you.
We have a new system for scheduling the library - you simply go find the dates/periods that you want to book and click on them (there is no difference between "Classroom 1" and "Classroom 2", so you can mix and match those, but "Classroom 3" does not have a projector available). You will see the dates/periods appear underneath - like a shopping cart. If you click something wrong, you can delete it. When you have picked all of your dates/periods, click "Submit Times". Then fill out the form! That's it!

We hope you and your students enjoy our new website, which will continue to be a work-in-progress. If you ever have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know! We already have a list of things to work on! And please...stop by and see us! We're a fun bunch. :)