At Londonderry High School this year, we are transitioning to semester grading rather than quarter. One thing teachers may notice as they add more assignments is that it can become cumbersome scrolling all the way to the right to enter new grades and see the students' averages. Today, I'd like to show you how to make your life a little easier in 2 ways. First - how to show the newest assignments all the way to the left. Second - how to show the students' averages on the left.
1. Both settings can be found in Aspen by clicking on your name and "Set Preferences":

2. From there, click on the Gradebook tab at the top.

3. To change the order of your assignments, change "Assignment order column" to "Due date - descending".

4. To position the average on the left side, check the box next to "Anchor averages".

5. Make sure to click "OK" at the bottom and then you are all set!