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Assign YouTube Videos on Classroom!

Writer's picture: Melissa BrayallMelissa Brayall

This week, you may have noticed a new option in Google Classroom under Create Assignment:

You can now add a YouTube video directly to a Google Classroom assignment! And that's not all...once you attach it, you can now embed questions directly into the video. If you've used EdPuzzle before, the functionality is similar. The question portion is currently in "Beta" which means Google is testing it with certain school districts and looking for feedback and suggestions. Let's take a look at how it all works.

First, you click the YouTube icon to attach a video. Then you can either search for a video or copy and paste a link from YouTube. There is also an option for accessing "My Video Activities" - as you start building activities, you will be able to access them later, but the first time, you won't see anything in there.

Once you've found the video you want, click on "Add questions"

Now you can watch the video and pause it anywhere that you want to add questions. Click the "Add" button and choose which type of question you want to add.

You can add as many different questions as you want to the assigned video. You are also able to add instructions and adjust the start and end time of the YouTube video (if you only want to show a portion of a longer video). You can do this by clicking "Details" under "Activity overview".

When you are finished, you can preview what this will look like for students and then you can attach it to your Google Classroom assignment. At that point, you will follow the same procedure you do for any other Google Classroom assignment - choose the class(es), set a due date, total points, topic, etc. You can also attach other files if necessary.

Once it has been assigned to the students, they are able to open the video and answer the questions. A few things to note...

  • Students can "Skip" a question and still submit the assignment

  • Students can keep trying until they get the correct answers

  • There is nothing stopping students from skipping directly to the questions if they so choose

Once the students complete the task, teachers are able to view "Insights".

Right now, there is no way to automatically create a "grade" from the results of this video activity. Instead, teachers can view each student's answers and determine what grade to post.

I mentioned before that this question activity feature is in Beta and that Google is interested in receiving feedback and suggestions. If you run into any problems or want to request a feature, you can do so within the question editor by clicking the 3 dots in the top left and selecting "Report issue or request feature".

As a side note - if you ever see a question mark icon anywhere in a Google product, you can always provide feedback on any tool! I strongly suggest providing as much feedback as possible on this feature since we are one of the school districts actively testing it. The more information we provide, the better the final tool will be.

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